PHP_API PHP_API donwnload A simple RESTful API PHP without Frameworks, to help you to understand the concepts and the structure used. This way, you can use this example to develop your own API. Installation Clone/download this folder to your computer. Save this folder in your Apache root directory. Access the DB folder and use the api_database.sql file to create your database. Change the connection.class.php file in api\connection path, if it's necessary. How does it work You can use the API from a web front-end application, mobile app and also using the app called Postman in Chrome (you can download it in Chrome's Web Store using this [link] ( )). Here i'm using the Postman to exemplifyed the use of the API. We have 4 methods of access the API: GET POST PUT DELETE GET method (used to return an existing client): It's accessed usin...
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